Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Connect,share and update all your social networks in one place using Yoono

Usually you will have many social network services accounts like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Friendfeed, AIM, Yahoo IM  etc.If you want to update or publish something on all these networks,it will be a tiring task.What if you have a tool which helps you simplify your online social life by connecting you to  all these networks  in one place? That will be really helpful.
There is a wonderful Desktop utility and a Firefox add-on available which does exactly the same.The application is Yoono.
Let us just check the most useful features of this tool
1. Connect to all your social networks in one place.
You’re connected wherever you are on the web. You can see the latest  status from your friends and families.
This is achieved by connecting to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, AIM and more…in one place yoono sidebar
2. All your IM services and Social network services are right in your browser sidebar.
This is very interesting and you can check all those social networks in a mouse click. 
3. Status sync
Update your status across all your social networks at the same time (Read:Notify your new blog posts to social networking sites automatically).You don’t have to visit each site and log in individually or update your status individually.
4. Easy sharing
Easily share links, images, and video.Share links, images & videos across all your networks.Easily share links, images, and video from the page you are viewing with all your social networks at the same time.
5. Use the discovery widget to Discover cool stuff.
The   discovery widget shows you related websites (Read:Discover related websites without searching) , images, videos and more as you browse.
6. Real-time updates
Get all your friend updates wherever you are on the web
7. Upload file services
Upload pics and more from your computer via different services.The services are listed below
8. Full text search of your updates and spell check options.
And many more such features.
The Firefox add-on can be downloaded from here.
For more information on Yoono read it here.
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