Monday, December 27, 2010

Back up your entire System HardDrive in Windows 7

its always important to have all your data backed up, this way you can still retrieve all your important data from your backups. Windows 7 came a nice feature that allows you to create a whole new image of the hard drive you want to back up. It will copy exactly the same content to another data storage device, such as USB removable HDD, DVDs etc. Keep in mind that you need at last the same size of the hard drive you are about to back up. If you are familiar with Mac, this is basically the time capsule, that can only backup your current data, cannot use for overwriting the content.
So here is how you can create a system image:
if you want to use windows 7 Easy Transfer Wizard to take backup here are step on how to take backup in windows 7 using Easy Transfer Wizards
Type “Backup and restore” on the Start Menu text search field
Click “Backup and Restore”
Now click “Create a System Image”
Choose which hard drive you want to put all your content, be sure to have a large enough size of hard drive. It’s always preferred to have the backup on a different volume (ie. different physical HDD, or physical media)
Confirm your backup settings. [note: you can also backup on numbers of DVDs, but be sure to have lots of DVDs if you plan to do so, and the process may take hrs]
Backup is always one of those tasks normal people won’t do on regular bases, but it is yet the most important thing you need to keep in mind, because you never know when your hard drive will failed, when it did you can’t do anything just watching all your data has gone. Of course there is always those services that can “try” to get your data back, but it will cost you lots of fortune to do so. Having a backup always save you the unwanted trouble that you can potentially avoid.  So if you are a person that never done any back and yet never experience any data lost, GOOD FOR YOU! BUT some day you will, so start get the habit of backing up your important data.

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